
Use Cases

Automatically Upgrade from Amazon WorkSpaces Application Manager (WAM) to Cloudpager®

Numecent and AWS do all the work. We will have your WAM packages migrated and ready for deployment within hours.

Watch On-Demand Webinar

Amazon Web Services has Selected Numecent as their Exclusive Partner to Upgrade Existing WAM Customers to Cloudpager

Cloudpager is the first solution to provide native support for Amazon WorkSpaces and WorkSpaces Application Manager (WAM) packages. We have worked diligently with AWS to establish a fully managed process for migrating WAM packages to Cloudpager within a matter of hours, with no cost to switch.

On-Demand Webinar with Amazon Web Services

Instantly Modernize Application Provisioning and Updates on Amazon WorkSpaces by Automatically Upgrading from Amazon WorkSpaces Application Manager (WAM) to Cloudpager

Join our live webinar with Amazon Web Services on April 13th at 10:00am PDT for a live demonstration and discussion on the benefits of Cloudpager for Amazon WorkSpaces, automatically migrating existing WAM packages to the platform, and streamlining application management across your enterprise.

AWS and Numecent Discuss Upgrading from WAM Cloudpager

Rory Monaghan and Kevin Goodman discuss the benefits of Cloudpager for Amazon WorkSpaces, including the automatic migration of existing WAM packages to the platform and what our partnership means for the future of remote work.

Why Upgrade From WorkSpaces Application Manager to Cloudpager?

All you have to do is create a support ticket and the Cloudpager platform is yours. Numecent and AWS will fully manage the migration of your existing WorkSpaces Application Manager (WAM) packages to Cloudpager, without making any changes. Upon signing into your new Cloudpager tenant, your applications will be ready to deploy with all their existing contents and functionality (e.g., fonts, drivers support, CAEs).

Press Release

Cloudpager becomes the first and only solution to provide native support for Amazon WorkSpaces and WorkSpaces Application Manager. Learn more about the details of the partnership, as well as the benefits existing WAM customers are realizing by switching to Cloudpager.

Getting Started with Cloudpager for Amazon WorkSpaces

If you are an existing WAM customers, create a support ticket with AWS and Cloudpager is YOURS!

Numecent and AWS manage the entire upgrade process. We’ll have your WAM applications ready to deploy within hours.

To request a fully managed migration of your Amazon WAM applications to Cloudpager, contact AWS Premium Support. Your AWS account must be subscribed to a Premium Support plan to request automated migration. For more information, see AWS Support Plans.

If you want to learn more about upgrading to Cloudpager, send us a message and we will be in touch shortly.

Additional Resources

Press Release

Numecent announces Cloudpager is the first to provide native support for Amazon WorkSpaces and WAM packages.


Watch AWS and Numecent discuss the benefits of Cloudpager for Amazon WorkSpaces and the future of remote work.

From the Blog