
Cloudpaging and Cloudpager Script-Based Actions Are Now Available in ControlUp Script Library

Recently, I have been writing about how crucial application performance and application management are to deliver an optimal digital employee experience (DEX). When it comes to DEX, the first name I think of is ControlUp. ControlUp provides a comprehensive, real-time view of the digital employee experience for all your employees, regardless of their desktop type. This provides a single solution to evaluate your enterprise’s DEX across pretty much any conceivable workspace configuration, including traditional physical desktops, cloud desktops, and thin clients.

That is why, I am so excited to share our Cloudpaging and Cloudpager Script-Based Actions (SBAs) have been published and are now available in the ControlUp Script Library for all ControlUp and Numecent customers to install.

There are multiple actions and use cases these scripts can address, including: 

  • Checking the status of the Cloudpaging Player on selected machines 
  • Listing the Cloudpaging cache details of selected machines 
  • Clearing the Cloudpaging cache 
  • Checking the version of Cloudpaging Player installed on selected machines 
  • Listing which application containers available to selected users 
  • Forcing a sync of Cloudpager Workpods 

It makes sense, that service desk teams and admins who use ControlUp Solve or ControlUp Real-Time DX for general troubleshooting and support on a daily basis may prefer to also use these products for retrieving Cloudpaging container information and assisting end users for this reason, we feel the Script-Based Actions can streamline troubleshooting and administration for our joint customers. 

To utilize these scripts, all you need to do is have the Cloudpaging PowerShell module installed on your client machines. 

See the Cloudpaging Script-Based Actions at Work!

List Cloudpaging Containers

Let’s start with a very simple script. This script will return a list of Cloudpaging containers currently available within a selected user’s session. This could be useful for administrators to remotely verify that a certain application is indeed available to a selected user or even confirm that an application they expect to have is not currently available to them.

Sync Cloudpager Workpod

A service desk agent may discover the caller was not actually in the correct security group for the application they wanted. They may add the user to the correct group and want to quickly force a refresh or sync to get that ticket resolved.

Cloudpager is fast without forcing the sync, but customers may decide to set the refresh interval to be less frequent for their environment. For those customers, this SBA may come in handy. The Sync Cloudpager Workpod script can be very useful. This script could also be useful for Admins who wish to publish an application to a UAT Workpod, provisioning the application to assigned users in real-time.

Get Cloudpager Cache Details

Sometimes it’s useful to identify how much application cache has been used, or even where the cache is being stored. We have a script for that too! Thanks to the nature of ControlUp, admins can easily multi select and return values for many selected machines as shown in the GIF above.

Clear Cloudpaging Cache

Perhaps an administrator would like to effectively reset a user’s entire Cloudpaging cache to make their application set like new. Well, we also have a script for that. You may want to run the Clear Cloudpaging Cache script then re-run the Get Cloudpaging Cache Details script to verify the cache has been cleared. 

Get Cloudpaging Player Version

Another very simple but effective script is the Get Cloudpaging Player Version script, which will display the version of the Cloudpaging Player that is installed on selected machines. Our awesome development team is constantly making improvements to Cloudpaging Player. As such, you may wish to verify that the desired enhancements are available on all machines in your organization. This script and the power of ControlUp enables administrators to quickly select as many machines as they would like and quickly return the versions of the player installed on all those machines. This can also easily be sorted, to identify those machines with older versions still installed, so these can be targeted for upgrades. 

Get Cloudpaging Player Status

An admin assisting a user may want to check the status of Cloudpaging Player to see if it is currently active and processing an action, or in a stopped state. This can be accomplished with the Get Cloudpaging Player Status script. 

As noted, the Cloudpaging PowerShell module must be installed on the client machines to start using these scripts. This module is installed with the Cloudpaging Player. If the PowerShell module is not installed on a machine when you attempt to use one of the listed SBAs, the output will return an error showing the module is required. 

Getting Started with ControlUp’s Numecent SBAs 

We are excited to provide these community scripts to ControlUp customers. Our hope is to publish more SBAs in the future. If there are additional scripts you would like to see, we would be delighted to get your feedback. To get started with the existing SBAs, simply open ControlUp Real-Time DX, navigate to the Script-Based Actions and install the scripts from the Community Script Actions.

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Numecent is an award-winning cloud technology provider headquartered in Irvine, California. The company’s technology portfolio, built upon 66 patents (and counting), simplifies the mobilization and management of Windows applications across modern desktop and multi-cloud environments. Enterprises around the world – including the largest Fortune 500 companies, cloud service providers, and MSPs – leverage these technologies to package and deploy thousands of applications to millions of end-users in a friction-free manner every day.

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